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Configuration file

The bumpr.rc configuration file is an inifile with the following possible sections and keys.


You can also use the setup.cfg file to store the configuration. It's recommanded to prefix section with bumpr: (ie.[bumpr:bump]). Be carefull, when using Python 3, setup.cfg is parsed with ConfigParser and perform string interpolation.



This is the main section defining the common behavior and parameters.

file (default: None)
The file containing the version string to extract.
regex (default: r'(__version__|VERSION)\s*=\s*(\'|")(?P<version>.+?)(\'|")')
The regex used to extract the version string. It must have a version` named group.
encoding (default: utf8)
The files encoding.
vcs: (default: None)
Version configuration tool used (one of git, mercurial or bazaar)
commit (default: True)
If True and vcs is defined, commit the changes.
push (default: False)
If True and vcs is defined, push the changes and the tags to the upstream repository.
tag (default: True)
If True and vcs is defined, tag the version.
tag_format (default: {version})
Specify the format of the tag
tag_annotation (default: None)
Specify an optional tag annotation formatted with the {version} token
verbose (default: False)
If True, display verbose output and command line output.
dryrun (default: False)
If True, no command or VCS operation will be executed. They will be displayed in the command output.
clean (default: None)
Specify the commands to be executed on the clean phase. Should have a single command by line.
tests (default: None)
Specify the commands to be executed on the test phase. Should have a single command by line.
publish (default: None)
Specify the commands to be executed on the publish phase. Should have a single command by line.
files (default: [])
Extra files to process. Those files will be processed by hooks to. Specify one file by line.


This section define the bump phase behavior.

unsuffix (default: True)
If True the current verion suffix will be removed.
suffix (default: None)
If set, this suffix will ba appended to the version.
part (default: None)
Specify the part to bump between major, minor or patch.
message (default: Bump version {version})
Specify the commit message that will be bumped. You can use the following token in your format pattern: version, major, minor, patch and date. All formating operations are accepted.


This section define the prepare phase behavior.

unsuffix (default: False)
If True the current verion suffix will be removed.
suffix (default: None)
If set, this suffix will ba appended to the version.
part (default: patch)
Specify the part to bump between major, minor or patch.
message (default: Bump version {version})
Specify the commit message that will be bumped. You can use the following token in your format pattern: version, major, minor, patch and date. All formating operations are accepted.


Each hook can contribute to configuration with its own section.

See hooks.


Here a sample bumpr.rc file

file = fake/
vcs = git
tests = tox
publish = python register sdist upload
clean =
    python clean
    rm -rf *egg-info build dist
files = README.rst

message = 'Commit version {version}'

suffix = dev
message = Prepare version {version} for next development cycle

file = CHANGELOG.rst
bump = {version} ({date:%Y-%m-%d})
prepare = In development

id = bumpr
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