
When you execute Bump’R it will follow the following workflow:

  1. clean
  2. test
  3. bump
  4. publish
  5. prepare

If you have been using Maven, it’s inspired by the Maven Release Plugin.

Clean phase

Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the clean configuration parameter.

Test phase

Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the tests configuration parameter.

Bump phase

This is the main phase in which Bump’R will:

  1. Compute replacements
  2. Execute the bump phase for each hook
  3. Bump replacement in version file and extra files
  4. Commit the changes if a VCS is configured with commit=True
  5. Tag the previously created commit if tag=True

Publish phase

Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the publish configuration parameter.

Most of the time for Python project, you will want to execute:

python sdist register upload

Prepare phase

This is the second main phase in which Bump’R will:

  1. Compute replacements
  2. Execute the prepare phase for each hook
  3. Bump replacement in version file and extra files
  4. Commit the changes if a VCS is configured with commit=True

Project Versions

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Bump’R: Bump and release versions

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