Workflow ======== When you execute Bump'R it will follow the following workflow: #. clean #. test #. bump #. publish #. prepare If you have been using Maven, it's inspired by the Maven Release Plugin. Clean phase ----------- Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the ``clean`` configuration parameter. Test phase ---------- Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the ``tests`` configuration parameter. Bump phase ---------- This is the main phase in which Bump'R will: #. Compute replacements #. Execute the bump phase for each hook #. Bump replacement in version file and extra files #. Commit the changes if a VCS is configured with ``commit=True`` #. Tag the previously created commit if ``tag=True`` Publish phase ------------- Optionnal phase that simply execute the commands provided by the ``publish`` configuration parameter. Most of the time for Python project, you will want to execute: ``python sdist register upload`` Prepare phase ------------- This is the second main phase in which Bump'R will: #. Compute replacements #. Execute the prepare phase for each hook #. Bump replacement in version file and extra files #. Commit the changes if a VCS is configured with ``commit=True``